Courtesy of
Julia Bright
Ann Lesley BarTur Award
Julia Bright
National Film School in Łódź
Highly Commended
Julia Bright (original Julia Yarko) portrait and documentary photographer and curator. Now she graduating on master degree of photography in Polish National Film school in Lodz. She started taking picture when she was 11 years old. It was a necessary to talk to the world without using words, to express own fillings and emotions. Photography became for her a way of living and the way to see and perceive the world around. Portrait always took main part in her art. Over the years interest in portraiture developed into documentary photography.
2021 ongoing
Trauma is a documentary project about women who have been through sexual violence. In a lot of countries, it is still forbidden to talk about such an experience. Women are still being blamed for what they've been through, judged and sometimes even excluded by society and loved ones. Voicelessness leads to the fact that there is still permission for such behavior in society and a high level of impunity. Silence also leads to the fact that people cannot understand what victims of violence have to deal with every single day.
In my project, I invite women with trauma after sexual violence experience to stand together. Taking a portrait of my characters, I ask them "How old were you?". One girl came to a meeting and said she was not sure she could participate in the project, because what happened to her was probably not as brutal or thoroughgoing as the other girls probably experienced. A year later, that dialogue repeated itself with another girl. This is the result of social attitudes towards violence and its victims.
This project is also my way of dealing with my trauma, to find people I can speak with about it after 20 years of my own voicelessness. So we could share our feelings and emotions, support each other, and use our common voice to let every woman know that they are not going through this alone.