Adrian Evans
Director, Panos Pictures
London and Suffolk
Adrian Evans graduated with a BA in History from York University in 1983. He worked as a freelance graphic designer for three years after college before moving into photography at the Hutchison archive. In 1990 he joined Panos Pictures as Archive Director, buying a controlling stake in the agency in 1997. Under his direction Panos Pictures has become the pre-eminent photo agency for 'concerned photojournalism', known throughout the industry for its intelligent and sensitive commentary on social issues.
As director of Panos Pictures Adrian has produced numerous large-scale projects ranging in subject matter from professional cycling in Belgium to modern slavery in Britain. He has also judged numerous photo competitions including the World Press Photo, the China International Press Photo Contest and Russia Press Photo.
He has acted as a consultant on visual communications to a number of NGOs and has lectured on the subject at London College of Communications, University of Westminster and London School of Economics.